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GSO Test

GSO Test

GSO Test

Home Learning

Y3 – ATINUKE Class


Welcome to Year 3!

Meet the Teacher Presentation - click here.

I am Mr Walker, the Year 3 teacher.

This is an exciting year for our class as the children are moving into Key Stage 2, and I am sure they are looking forward to the responsibility this brings and the new opportunities they will have.

In the Summer Term, we have the topic of ‘Resisting the Romans'. This will be an in depth study of the Roman Empire. 

Our '3Ps' for this topic are:

PERSON: Hannibal

PLACE: Colchester



Our class name is Atinuke Class, named after Atinuke, a Nigerian-born author and story-teller. She draws on her Welsh and Nigerian roots to create enchanting stories to inspire children. She has written two series of books; the "Anna Hibiscus" series and the "No 1 Car Spotters" Series. We look forward to reading some of these books this year!


There will be a range of options to choose from on your half-termly homework menu. Each week, one of these tasks will need to be completed along with a maths task. Both need to be handed in every Wednesday.  

Children will also be sent home with weekly spellings to be tested every Friday. Please ensure that these are being practised at home.  

In Year 3 it is expected that all children read for at least 15 minutes every evening to an adult. This reading time must be recorded in their reading records, which will be checked daily.

School Uniform and PE Kit

Please ensure that all school uniform, including PE kit, is clearly labelled so that missing items can be returned. The class will have PE on Mondays and Thursdays. 

About Me

I have been teaching for over eight years in Key Stage 2 and this is my second year at John Burns. I love cycling, reading a good book and spending time with family.

If you need to talk to me about anything regarding your child, please do not hesitate to contact me either via the school office or at the end of the day. 


Mr Walker

Click here to see the Spring Term Timetable.